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Exceptional massage that comes to your beautiful Murray, UT office location!


Click to schedule your massage TODAY

((Scroll down the options until you see “Security National 60min”))

~Massage Menu~


Every custom massage will be expertly crafted based on your specific needs.

90 min- $150

60 min- $100

30 min- $50

((Scroll down the options until you see “Security National 60min”))

Appointments in the 5th floor wellness room



Massage Artistry takes incredible pride in the QUALITY of our massages. All of our therapists have many years of experience and are all trained in various specialties and modalities including:

Sports/ Injury recovery- Injury / chronic pain focused / deep tissue

Structural Integration- Specialized, alignment centered, deep pressure

Reflexology- Specialized work on the feet

Pre-natal- Within the last 8 months prior to childbirth

Swedish- Relaxation, lighter pressure

4-Handed- (double the cost) Utilizing two massage artists at the same time

NEW! Cupping- Chronic pain / injury centered, utilizing deep cup suction

NEW! Barefoot Massage- (Utilizing feet and body weight)

NEW! Reiki- A form of energy work 

((Scroll down the options until you see “Security National 60min”))